What are the school hours?
Monday-Thursday: 9:00-3:00
Friday: 9:00-12:00
What happens at arrival?
• Teachers will be waiting to greet your child beginning at 8:50 and every girl is escorted into the building.
• Please make every effort to have your daughter in her classroom on time.
What happens at dismissal?
• Teachers walk your daughter out of the building as individual carpools and
buses arrive. The dismissal Morah will bring your daughter to her carpool. Please meet the dismissal Morah at the curb to assist in buckling.
Do I qualify for busing?
Children entering Pre-1A, who meet a birthday deadline of Dec. 1st are eligible for District busing. Parents must contact their individual district to establish busing for their daughter.
What if my child does not qualify for busing?
• Nursery and Kindergarten students are carpooled to and from school.
• Parents form their own carpools, and then fill out the necessary form online before orientation.
Can my child be dropped off early or stay late?
Early care and after care are available for an additional fee.
• Early Care: 8:00am-9:00am, $1,350 for the year
• After Care: 3:00pm-4:00pm, $1,350 for the year
*can be pro-rated if every day is not needed
Is there an after school program?
The Shulamith Women’s Organization (SWO) offers a variety of after school clubs for an extra fee. Clubs run for 10 sessions each semester. Only Kindergarten and Pre1a children may sign up for clubs.
What are the nut and seed policies?
• Please be aware that, in order for us to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all of our students, we are a NUT-FREE, SEED-FREE, school. Please carefully check the ingredients labels of the products you send to school to make sure they are free from all nuts and traces of nut products or nut processing.